Reflection on CPD Showcase

The CPD showcase was done well and I picked up a number of tips which I find highly-relevant for me. This is especially so when I will be embarking on my internship next month.

From managing emotions to learning the art of staying calm when dealing with unreasonable guests, the frameworks developed by the various presenting teams were delivered in a catchy and creative manner that is easy for us to understand and implement.

That said, the presentations which left a lasting impression on me were those presented by Team Lucky Salt Baes and Team Big Hero 4, as I could highly-relate to their presentation topics (the importance of team building in the workplace, and how to confront workplace bullying).

Being in the events industry for over six years, a great event agency is one which has great team camaraderie as event agencies tend to be lean in strength. With many functions happening simultaneously during event crunch-time, quick decision-making and good communication are needed to execute the event well. As such, this pressure-cooker environment will either make or break the team, and what will make a team shine is the camaraderie forged amongst the teammates.

Henceforth, I can highly-relate to the topics presented by the two teams which are team-building and fostering trust among teammates, so as to create a more cohesive team.  The frameworks developed by these two teams are highly-insightful with each team clearly show the benefits of the solutions presented not only to the organisation but also to the individual’s workplace engagement. With my internships starting soon, I believe these key learning not only prepares me mentally but also motivates me to contribute and bond well with my future colleagues.

(Note to Ms Lim: I have commented on Sarah, Benedicta and Geanna’s blog posts)

4 thoughts on “Reflection on CPD Showcase”

  1. Hi Fai, thank you for sharing your personal experience. It was an enjoyable and pleasant read. I too, agree that Team Lucky Salt Baes’ topic was highly relatable and I believe that the framework developed will be very useful as we advance into our IWSP.


  2. Hi Fai,
    I enjoyed reading your reflection. I particularly liked how you applied the learning points from the showcase to the upcoming IWSP and what the events industry entails. I definitely agree with your take on the events industry!


  3. Hi Fai,

    Glad that I was able to learn something about the events industry from your reflection. With limited manpower in the team, it is important that the workplace remains a conducive environment for the team to work together in planning and executing the event planned.

    If the agency is able to prevent the occurrence of bullying and improve team camaraderie among colleagues, it will definitely benefit the company in the long run.


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